Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club

The Dashboard A publication of the
Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club.
A not-for-profit corporation.
A chapter of Bow Tie Chevys
and Classic Chevy International.
February 2002

Flintknapping casts a Stone Age spell
By Rip Riley
COCCC Member

A little over a year ago, at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History in Norman, I saw a demonstration of flintknapping and was hooked from that
moment on.

Flintknapping is the making of stone tools. The most commonly recognized are points for arrows and lances, axes, knives and scrapers. Although
usually associated with the Native American culture in this country, flintknapping was a skill practiced by the early ancestors of all cultures all over the world.

After seeing my first demonstration I found that it is a rapidly growing hobby, with practitioners virtually everywhere.

Here are some examples of Rip Rileyís Flintknapping hobby.

Here are some examples of Rip Rileyís Flintknapping hobby. Photo provided by Rip Riley

I started feeding my interest on the internet and by attending "knap-ins," gatherings of knappers trading ideas, materials, tools and having a great time in the process.

For almost a year I watched, fascinated by what I saw. Finally, this past fall, Debbie pointed out that I had been watching long enough and encouraged me to try my hand at it. Sure enough, it was harder than it looked. It was also quite habit forming!

I now find myself devoting much of my spare time, and some that I don't have to spare, practicing and trying to improve my skills. I have also seen the truth in something that the first person I saw knapping told us, "The most important tool of a flintknapper is Band-aids." Sharp chips and edges invariably lead to cuts. But the rewards are worth the risk, I assure you. Anyone who is in any way interested, please let me know. I'd enjoy sharing what, to me, is a great hobby. Rip Riley can be reached at 405-341-5937 or by e-mail to rriley3@mmcable.com



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