It's time to elect a new slate of officers
By Don Bays
Meeting set Sunday, Aug. 19, 4 p.m. at Hometown Buffet, please plan on eating there.
It's that time of year again when we elect a new slate of club officers.
This year, we will gather at the Hometown Buffet at 3901 NW Expressway
(where NW 63rd crosses) at 4 p.m. on Sunday, August 19, to count ballots
and christen our incoming 2001-2002 officers. The restaurrant is
reserving the large meeting room for us at no charge, but they do expect
each of us to eat there, so try to come hungry. This location does a
better job of running an appealing buffet than most such operations.
Please bring your ballot to the meeting if you can, save some postage.
 David Reeds is ready to pass the gavel to the next president. David will then step down to the Vice President position.
Probably before you get this issue of the Dashboard will be our next
dinner cruise which happens on Saturday, August 4. We'll meet at the A &
W restaurant at 89th & South Western about 3 p.m. and will leave at
around 3:20 p.m. to cruise to our dinner location. Just in case the
phone committee does not reach you, or if you choose not to drive to the
south side just to drive back to the north, we'll make this location not
so very secret. We're going to Earl's Rib Palace at 6816 North Western.
(This is run by the family of the man who was Elvis Presley's chef).
We're going to renew the ever-popular crazy hat day - best hat by
popular vote (no electoral college here) wins a prize and gets to
arrange an upcoming dinner cruise. Now, you need to wear your hat into
the restaurant, no matter how silly you think you look - it's part of
the charm! After this we'll return to the original format of cruising to
a secret location. By all means, if you can, please cruise with the gang
leaving from A & W.
Drive-In Movies anyone? Our annual cruise to the Winchester Drive-In
Theatre happens this year on September 22nd (moved from the 15th by
popular demand of University of Oklahoma football fans). Meet at the
drive-in at 68th & South Western about 7 p.m.. They should open the
gates for us about 7:30 p.m. and we'll all go in and park together.
Attention members of other clubs - please get all the old car buffs you
know invited to this one. If we could really turn out some numbers for
the theatre they might be willing to order a special movie for us again.
This is always a good event and something really cool to do with your
classic. I'm going to try to do some extra calling and extra inviting
this year. Won't you do so as well? Do you remember the first time we
did this and old cars dominated the prime parking area? This event has
been well attended since, but not the 100+ of that first year. We look
forward to seeing you, with or without your car, at all club events.
Remember this club is only as good as you make it with your
participation. Be there or be square!