Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club

The Dashboard A publication of the
Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club.
A not-for-profit corporation.
A chapter of Bow Tie Chevys
and Classic Chevy International.
December 2003

Website Traffic Explodes!!

Greetings from Florida!
Shortly after we moved to Orlando,Charles and Marilyn Stookey relocated to the pacific northwest. As our club members spread out across this great nation, I am more and more thankful that I was able to provide a website for our club. For the past four years we have had a world-wide presence through our website.

I have had us listed on a number of major search engines on the internet for many years. Our website traffic has steadily increased over the years. I have been so busy with “life ” that I have not taken the time to check the traffic reports generated by our web server in some time.

Last week during the end of October, I started getting messages from our server about exceeding our bandwidth limit.I was shocked, as when I set up this account four years ago I got the business account so we would not have any problems.

I have since had the limits raised for our web server so that there is no problem. I thought you might be interested in some web traffic numbers from the month of October.

• Total hits::503,462 (This is each time a web page is accessed)
• Hits per hour::676 avg.,5558 max.
• Unique visitors::20,232 for October

I thought those numbers were worth mentioning! It looks like the world knows about the Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club!

All the best,Keith Marang
COCCC Webmaster


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