Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club

The Dashboard A publication of the
Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club.
A not-for-profit corporation.
A chapter of Bow Tie Chevys
and Classic Chevy International.
August 2002

Take the time to cast ballot for officers

Dashboard Staff

Enclosed in this month's Dashboard is the ballot for election of 2002-2003 officers. Please take a moment to make your selections. Bring your ballot to the August meeting on Sunday, Aug. 11, 3 p.m. at Hullabaloo at Southeast 44th and BryantClub member and Hullabaloo Club & Grill owner Phil Austin has graciously made his club and his staff
available for our annual election of officers. Food will be available from his menu at this meeting so bring your appetite.

If you are unable to attend the August meeting please mail the ballot in time to be received by Aug. 10 so it can be counted. Many people have been nominated for the different offices this year. This is a welcome exception to past years when it was all we could do to get even one name for each office.


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